What to wear for engagement photos – Top 5 tips

It can be difficult to decide what to wear for an engagement photo session, but there’s no need to go running out to buy new clothes for the occasion. Here are a few tips to make prepping easier:

1) Think bright colors! Just like when you attend a TV show taping, they tell you to wear bright colors if you’d like to get on camera and not blend in with the rest of the crowd…the same goes for an engagement photo shoot. Also remember to select colors that won’t blend into the background that you’ve chosen. For example, if you’re doing a photo shoot in Central Park with fall foliage in the background (like I did), don’t wear brown, yellow, or green if you want to stand out. As a general rule, bright purple or blue are always flattering choices and will pop on camera. Just make sure that the colors that your fiance selects are complimentary to your choices.


2) Bring accessories that can tell your story. Are you teachers? Bring a hardcover book to page through on camera. Huge football fans? Jerseys for your favorite team can be a fun change of clothes.


3) Bring 2-3 outfit changes, but keep base clothing the same for ease. If you’re in an outdoor area, it might be difficult to find a bathroom nearby to pop into for an outfit change. Rather than delaying time finding a spot to change, try wearing skinny jeans and a tank top as a base, and bring different sweaters or a jacket to throw on to change the look. Wearing boots? Bring a pair of flats to switch up the outfit.


4) Stick to your personal style. If the only time you wear heels is on Easter Sunday when your mother drags you to church, then stilettos and a short dress aren’t a fit for these photos. Of course, you’re being documented and should look your best, but let your typical style shine through.


5) Don’t waste money on professional hair and makeup! If you’re looking for a more glammed-up look for the photos, stop by the cosmetics counter at a local department store and to have your makeup done for free or make an appointment at a beauty school in town for a cheap blow-out. Often, the students need models to practice on. One of my favorite spots in New York City is the Aveda Institute in the West Village, which offers a wash and dry for just $15 or a wash, haircut and style for $20! Just make sure you book the appointment well in advance, as they tend to book-up quickly.

Note: photography by Timecut.com

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